Sunday, 9 November 2008

Hamster Dance

DD1s hamster - Nibbles - escaped. I went in to her room to feed him this morning, and obv after she'd come and woken us up at 7.30, he'd made a bid for freedom. The cage door had been opened (It's a wire job which has a clip. The hamster had leant against it and opened it up.) and there was no sign of him.

After much frantic searching of her room, we discovered him hiding out under the wardrobe. DD1 has a pine slated wardrobe with canvas cover, so thankfully he was easier to spot. After 45mins of pleading, he eventually moved out from under the wardrobe and was caught and placed back in his cage. We then put cable ties on the offending door and will be using the other access point from now on.

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