Sunday, 26 October 2008

Pickling a-go-go

Well its been a busy day here. Have been pickling all manner of items to give as tasty crimbo treats... The list so far

6 jars of pickled red cabbage (makes a great addition at christmas time and both sides of the family are saurkraut demons)
1 large jar pickled shallots, with chilli flakes (Pressie for Mum, who likes it hot)
1 large jar pickle beetroot (for in laws who are slightly more traditional in their tastes)
another large jar pickled beetroot.... for the buffet table on christmas eve. Its a tradition we have a help yourself going in the evening while everyone arrives at the house.
1 final large jar of pickled mini cucumbers, which were the last (rather megre) offerings from a friends plants. They didn't have time to mature and get to any size before the plant caught a chill.... they'll go down well christmas eve too.

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