Wednesday 20 August 2008

GP Lets...

So It looks like I've stuck my hand up to be 'group co-ordinator' for a completely internet based lets scheme. Yikes, with that and a 2 week old baby, a duaghter due to start school at start of next month and WEN/Local Lets comitments - will I have any spare time, whatsoever?

Well, I suppose I should explain Lets a bit, for all reading who might not have come accross it. LETS (Local Exchange Trading Schemes) are a way of exchanging goods and serivces without any cash trading hands. Think along the same lines as freecycle, but with wooden dollars being *paid* for items which are no longer req by whoever's offering. You then send a record of the transaction via email (or using paper cheques, as our local scheme do too) and this is kept in the 'accounts' so that everyone knows a balance. It doesn't matter if you go into commitment, as this isn't like a real account, it just means the co-ordinator etc have a way of seeing what trading is going on, and what in.

All members have a membership number, and to report a 'trade' you email with:
your name and membership number
ammount of LETS agreed for trade
person they're going to, and their number
description of the trade

Anne, member 10
Bob, member 2
Gutter Clearance

Hope that made a bit more sense to everyone!

Now back to GP forums lets scheme...
This would be entirely internet based, and transactions would only be sent by email. This'd be an interesting experiment, as although our local scheme has an egroup, through yahoo, and does a lot of reporting of trading online, I'd like to see how e-communication only would work for exchange. I would guess you'd email, or PM, with what you'd like, and then sort out delivery of the item (prob by post, if its a *real* item, or by email, if its something that has been requested be typed up, or a sewing pattern/knitting instructions etc).

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