Sunday 31 August 2008

Rain Rain..

Go away!
I comforted myself with the fact everything in the garden was being watered. That's now done. Then that DD1 liked playing in the puddles. Have exhausted that now. Then we had one glorious day of sunshine where we went for a long walk, raided local bramble bushes and came home tierd but happy. Having been *outside* and enjoyed *being out without rainmacks and wellies* and (shock horror) actually got to get a few jobs done, without feeling guilty about driving into town (something we've had to do recently, for fear of being caught in a downpour, DD1 getting soaked, DD2's buggy/sling becoming a swimming pool and both me and Taller Half (hence refered to as TH) resembling drowned rodentia.)

And then we wake up to torrential downpours... so long summer - yesterday was nice.

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